Inside-Out Ministries
P.O. Box 29040
Cleveland, OH 44129
Nick Pirovolos
Home | Bible Study | Youth | Friend Of A Prisoner | Too Mean To Die | Links
The true life story of a man that had been on the fast track for a long time. His life was filled with money, women and destroying anyone who got in his way. This incredible story tells how God can take an individual headed for an eternity of hell and use him in a mighty way to bring others to the truth of Jesus Christ. |
Our focus is on those individuals who are unemployable, unwanted members of society. This is an un-reached people group that should not be ignored. When we reach these people they can become an asset to society not a liability-constructive members not destructive. At this point we are in the infant stage of this new ministry and need your help. We are praying for the following;
1. Financial support-consider making us part of your church's mission funding.
2. Business owners that would be willing to hire one of our graduates.
3. Donations of land or buildings that can be used by the ministry for housing and light manufacturing.
4. Most of all, please remember us in prayer continually.
1. Nick to speak to your Church, Youth Group, Prison Ministry, or Organization.
2. You would like to order TOO MEAN TO DIE. For a Love Offering of only $5.00 (a $6.95 value), plus $2.00 for shipping, per book we will gladly send you your copy of our life story. (Every book you purchase allows us to send 2 to prisons)
3. You would like to start a prison ministry.
4. You would like to help Aftercare through one of the above mentioned ways.
You may also read my book on the Internet or download it to your computer in either Microsoft Word, a Text File or as a Microsoft Reader file. If you do, then Please consider sending a Donation to cover providing 2 books to prisons.
To download the books place your mouse cursor over the title of the version you want and "click" the right mouse button. Select "Save Target As" from the menu and then select where you want to save the book on your computer.
TOO MEAN TO DIE in Microsoft Word
TOO MEAN TO DIE in Adobe PDF Format
TOO MEAN TO DIE for your Pocket Computer/PDA with Microsoft Reader
Or just click on the link below to read the book on-line.
TOO MEAN TO DIE on the Internet
Home | Bible Study | Youth | Friend Of A Prisoner | Too Mean To Die | Links